Monthly Archives: September 2011
The Cat, The Squirrel and the Skunk!
I know you sense another story coming up written by Trevor, and you would be right. But first, to fill you in on where we went from Niagara Falls. Canada is truly a beautiful country and we decided we would head toward Sault Ste Marie, but drive as far as we could on this particular … Continue reading
Niagara Falls – Canada
We are so glad we made the decision to go across the border from the Niagara Falls in the USA to Niagara Falls in Canada. We stayed at another KOA (Kamps of America) park, and in the process met some really lovely people. The kids went for a night … Continue reading
Niagara Falls – USA
Hi Guys, I know it has been a while since our last blog. This has mainly been due to poor or intermittent internet connection and our family “doing” lots of things. We have also been on the road a lot (9 hour stint today), but will camp here for a few days to recharge our … Continue reading
Pennsylvania’s Grand Canyon
This is the last blog where we are still in Pennsylvania. To end our trip in this beautiful state, we decided to see Pennsylvania’s version of The Grand Canyon. Literally, it is called that…….and we had a very good GPS to get us there. One problem. It wasn’t until … Continue reading
Leaving Dillsburg and heading North….
The dilemma of modern technology! On one hand it is so useful as it can bring you our journey via a blog as we travel across Amercia. On the other hand, when we don’t have it, we become extremely resourceful and look for other ways to have fun. If you’re … Continue reading