I am going to take a break from my normal blog posts to wish you all a wonderful Xmas and a very Happy New Year. As you know, my last blog post was about Sedona in Arizona. Normally I would keep my posts in order following the places we have visited, but felt I would interrupt the normal process by sharing our special Christmas with you all.
Obviously we travelled East from Arizona toward Florida, then North into Pennsylvania (where we first began our trip 5 months ago.) We were excited to be seeing Lynda, Alan and Scarlett again, as well as Alan’s sons and their families, who had flown from Australia to spend Xmas with their Dad and Lynda and Scarlett as well.
Christmas eve was a very enjoyable evening with us meeting a lovely family, friends of Lynda and Alan’s. Mark, Patty, Justin and Mariella were fascinating to talk to and very accommodating when we took the kids outside to leave food for Santa’s reindeer.
The children (under Kaitlin’s guidance) wrote letters to Santa, and left them in designated areas in the living rooms. Santa was going to have a big job leaving little surprises in twelve different areas (seven for our children, one for Scarlett and four for Alan’s Grandchildren).
The kids were very excited going to bed that night and I thought they may not sleep, but I think the excitement of the days leading up to Christmas and the goings on with many people enabled them to fall to sleep without too much trouble.
Trevor and I spend a few more hours finishing off the wrapping of presents (glad I wasn’t trying to wrap for 7 kids in the RV….that would have been a nightmare). As it was, we were staying in Lynda’s huge art room, which she had transformed by hiring bunk beds for the kids and a queen size bed for us. It was spacious and warm and perfect for our size family.
Christmas Day…………….was it a white Christmas?
Alas, no…….but special nonetheless. The kids found that Santa had left them all a pile of pressies, and they spent the next half an hour “oohing” and “aaahhhing” at what Santa had bought for them all.
Santa spoilt everyone and nobody was disappointed.
A few calls to Australia to wish our families a great Xmas (although by then it was nearly over for people in Oz).
This was followed by a lovely breakfast cooked by Alan, Steven and Keith. We filled our bellies before we all settled down to open presents we had given each other.
Lo and behold, there were more surprises in store! Guess who was in the neighbourhood and decided to stop by and surprise all of the kids!!
The children spent the next few hours playing with presents they had received from Santa, their parents and relatives.
We received a skype call from Daphne and Nick (cousin to Trev’s Dad and a gorgeous couple we stayed with in Texas). Meanwhile Lynda had done a splendid job of organising caterers to take care of Xmas lunch/dinner. She had everything organised to the finest detail and made for a very yummy and festive day.
Our children were able to experience a real gourmet Christmas followed by traditional sweets (desserts).
Just when we thought gift giving was over, we found some more pressies (left there because we had been surprised by the visit from Santa!)
Most of us were ready for an early night, and I must say that having a late breakfast, then an afternoon dinner was perfect, and we actually went to bed without feeling bloated.
Thankyou Lynda and Alan for a wonderful Christmas…not a white one, but a fun one filled with lots of festive cheer. Maybe we’ll get a white New Year!
Such a beautiful recount of what seems to have been a perfect Christmas! I am so happy you have all had such a wonderful time…my dream having caterers do Christmas!!!…that would just be sooooooo lovely! Had a quiet one here…just lovely family time…unfortunately Brooke, Chris and the kids couldn’t be with us…but Dad and I are driving up tomorrow to see them for a few days…they have been given the all clear and are no longer in quarantine!!
Enjoy your last few days!!
Love and Sunshine Aunty Trace XXXXXXXXX
Hi Trace,
Catering is heaven…no preparation, guaranteed good food and no mess to clean up afterwards! My dream also.
Say hi to all the family and travel safely to Geraldton.
Happy New Year.
Love you.
Cath, Trev and ALL the kids xx
Well that was a special Christmas and one you won’t forget in a hurry. Great blog, though….gave us a chance to share it with you. Might be a bit tamer next year or rather this year as we have just had the 1st day of 2012. What a wonderful experience. Love to you all and a Happy New Year…Mum and Dad, Nan and Pop
Hi Mum and Dad,

We certainly will remember this one, but any Xmas is special as long as we spend it with people we love.
Happy New Year. It’s 2012 here also now.
Looking forward to seeing you very soon.
Love Cath, Trev and kids xx
Hi guys
What a beautiful Christmas! We sure have enjoyed reading about your adventures… I saw on facebook that you are back in Perth! If you are free Sunday please drop around for Lucy’s birthday party from 3pm. We would love to see you but if you are otherwise engaged or just too jetlagged and need to chill that is of course fine.
Love Lou x
PS Dunc said to say that we have been on holidays for 6 days with one baby and are totally exhausted – he is amazed at your energy I think
Hi Louise and Duncan,
Lovely to have you following our blog. Yes, we are back in Australia, but I will keep blogging to catch up on the parts of America you guys haven’t seen yet.
Sorry we missed Lucy’s first birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUCY.
We only stayed one night in Perth, then came back to Burekup.
Just have to sort quite a bit in the house. We are jetlagged, so hopefully will be back to normal ASAP.
Looking forward to seeing you guys again soon.
Love Cath, Trev and family xx