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Another Birthday Abroad.

Posted by on August 29, 2011

With so many kids I guess you would expect that we will be celebrating at least some birthdays whilst we’re here. The latest is Kit Keeling who turned 6 on the 28th August. He had a great day as well and has some pretty groovy presents. He can’t wait to go to the shop to spend his birthday money from all of his relatives.

Kit unwrapping his pressies

A Kit Kat for Kit!

A bike to trek around the US.


Yummy birthday cake

Akaisha watching the goings on.


The gang celebrating


So after being spoilt with pressies and cake, Kit (and his family) was treated to a Birthday meal at a little Restaurant called………….

We had a good laugh at the name!







There was enough food to feed an army, but the biggest treat was something called a chocolate fudge mumbo sundae……..and as you can see, they were HUGE. So if you’re wondering why we are all putting on a few kilos……this is why!!!!!

Celebrating for Kit's birthday

Kit and his Mum

See the size of the chocolate fudge mumbo sundaes!!

Lucky it's Kit's birthday!

Scarlett enjoying her choc fudge mumbo sundae!



14 Responses to Another Birthday Abroad.

  1. mum and dad godley

    Poppy would sure love to have been at your birthday party kit- though Nanna would have been frowning !!!!!!

    Love Nan and Pop

    • drivinguscrazy

      Believe me Poppy….Nana definitely would have been frowning! Worth it though 🙂

  2. Scott

    Kit – can you please bring some of the Chocolate Fudge Mumbo Sundae home for Uncle Scott 🙂

  3. Louise

    Yummmmmmm! So jealous, I wish I was eating that chocolate fudge mumbo sundae right now… Those crazy Americans sure know how to eat. Happy birthday Kit. I love reading about your adventures. xxx

    • drivinguscrazy

      Hi Louise,
      I think I might be like those crazy Americans. 🙂 I can eat with the best of ’em.

  4. Flynn

    Hi Mum. America is so fun hey. Love you

  5. Aunty Trace

    Happy Birthday Kit XXX….Looks like you celebrated in style!! The RV looks great! It is great to follow your adventures….and great pics. Missing you all so much, but glad you are having an amazing time (as if there was ever any doubt). All OK here. Dad, Guy and Kylie have all gone now, left on Tuesday and having a ball. Rhiannon turned 18! …and I am finding some equilibrium. Sending you all my Love. Aunty Trace XX

    • drivinguscrazy

      Hi Trace,
      Kit had an awesome birthday. We are about to head off on the next leg of our journey. Kids very excited as you’d imagine. Thinking of you as aways. Cath

  6. Lauren

    Happy Birthday Kit. I miss you.

  7. Nigel

    Hi y’all cowboys and cowgirls,
    As expected America is scared with the infamous Howitta Tribe running amok. Bear poo, when we were in Canada on honeymoon 19 years ago this coming Monday, I saw bear poo outside our campervan! Only months later did Willy tell me it was “Willy poo”, I bearly knew what to say! Keep having a great and safe time and collect lords scalps
    heap big hug
    Chief Nigelnomates

    • drivinguscrazy

      Hi Nigelnomates,……sorry “Chief” Nigelnomates,
      Pretty sure it’s bear poo…….although we have a few more options to choose from than you…….”Kaitlin poo” or “Jai poo” or “Flynn poo” or “Amber poo” or “Kit poo” or “Chayse poo” or “Akaisha poo” or even good ol’ “Trev poo”! But never “Cathy poo”!! Maybe Willy’s been visiting!!
      PS: Happy Anniversary

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