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New York! New York!

Posted by on August 12, 2011

What an awesome experience!

So relaxing at the Waldorf Astoria

The bright lights of Time Square. The hustle and bustle of Grand Central Station. The mad drivers in hundreds of yellow cabs. The talented buskers at Central Park. The majestic Statue of Liberty. The historical buildings. The entertaining tour guides on the double decker buses. The biggest toy store in New York.

FAO Shwarz Toy Store



Kids at Times Square


Yellow cabs everywhere!


The huge plates of Amercian cuisine. The pink lemonade! The historically elegant Waldorf Astoria (where we stayed). The Brooklyn Bridge. The American tipping system (so foreign to Australians). The friendy New Yorkers. The friendly “out of New Yorkers”. The Homeless. The wealthy. The trendy. The not so trendy (we fell into this category!) Broadway. New York…… New York!

But rest assured we are having the time of our lives and can’t wait for the big adventure ahead of us. By the way, the Stretch Hummer was our transport from New York to Dillsburg in Pennsylvania (courtesy of Trev’s sister). Unfortunately we won’t be driving around the USA in it……………but it’s nice to dream.

Inside the Hummer




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