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Mt Rushmore – South Dakota

Posted by on October 1, 2011

We left North Dakota and travelled south into South Dakota. We did a fair bit of travelling and arrived at the Mt Rushmore KOA campground late afternoon.

Mt Rushmore KOA

Lovely view as the sun was setting.







Cabins nestled in the hills at the KOA

All the travelling takes it out of a baby!












We decided at the last minute to go and see Mt Rushmore at night as they have a special lighting ceremony. So we made up all the beds in the RV and the kids relaxed on the short journey to the mountain.

Kit, Jai and Akaisha

All the American state flags lining the entrance into the Monument.








Mt Rushmore Monument was completed in 1941 (70 years ago). It is the top visitor attraction in the Black Hills and for those of you who don’t know, is an iconic sculpture of four famous American Presidents – George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. The four Presidents chosen were those who the artist, Gutzon Borglum, thought influenced the American West.

Looking down onto the ampitheatre.

The illumination of the four Presidents heads carved into the mountain.









The lighting program we saw featured the National Anthem, a film about the four Presidents, a short talk and finally an ilumination of the memorial. We were standing at the top of an ampitheatre which can apparently seat 5000 people.

Quite impressive with the Ampitheatre and Mt Rushmore in the background.

Lots of ex-servicemen and women seemed to be watching that particular night.













On that particular night, there seemed to be a few hundred elderly people. At the end of the ceremony, any ex-service men or women were invited up on stage in recognition of their service to their country. One thing we have definitely noticed is how patriotic Amercians are. So, for a lot of people, the whole ceremony was quite moving.

The next day we managed to get another shot of Mt Rushmore which shows the craftmanship of the Sculptor/s who created this masterpiece. The project took 14 years to complete.

Mt Rushmore during the day.









4 Responses to Mt Rushmore – South Dakota

  1. Aunty Trace

    Great to get the opportunity to see it both night and day….sounds you are all quite at home in the RV now….tho i am sure it must seem very small sometimes! Glad to read you are all over your colds!
    Love Aunty Trace XXXX <3

    • drivinguscrazy

      Yes, it was good to see the mountain day and night. We are at home in the van, but when it is cold outside, or someone needs their own space, things can be a little too close for comfort! Still, considering we have a baby, a pre-schooler, a junior, two primary, two teenagers AND two parents who also need their own space at times, we’re doing OK. 🙂

  2. Corinne White

    Helloooo travelling Howitt family 🙂

    Looks amazing guys, I bet your having a blast! It certainly looks like it. All that history! who needs school eh kids?

    Very much the same here in Burekup, your not missing a thing!!!

    Keep enjoying yourselves and I will hop back on and see how you are all going and what your up to. Thanks for the website its awesome.

    lots of luv
    Corinne, Oren, Hudson and Cahlia xxx (ps Cahlia wants to blow a kiss to Kit 😉

    • drivinguscrazy

      Hi Corinne, Oren, Hudson and Cahlia,
      So lovely to hear from you.
      Yes, this trip is indeed an education for the kids. So much to see and do, so little time to do everything. We’re in Washington State at the moment. Will be visiting a friend of Kaitlins. Then we’ll start heading south to California and warmer weather.
      Hope all is well with you and your family. Tell Cahlia that Kit “caught” the kiss!
      Love Cath, trev and kids xx

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