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Pennsylvania’s Grand Canyon

Posted by on September 7, 2011

Parked in the Lymon Run State Park

The Look out overlooking the Grand Canyon







This is the last blog where we are still in Pennsylvania. To end our trip in this beautiful state, we decided to see Pennsylvania’s version of The Grand Canyon. Literally, it is called that…….and we had a very good GPS to get us there.

One problem.

It wasn’t until we had gone off the main highway,………..followed tiny gravel roads up and down very steep hills,…………………. had three 4WD cars stop for us so we could pass, (with each driver looking at us with a very “wierd” expression),……………….. do a “10” point turn because we couldn’t get around one corner,…………………and finally have a conversation with each other wondering how on earth  motorhomes (or RV’s) make it up these ridiculously steep and narrow paths in the wet weather……………that we suddenly remembered that the GPS takes you on the “shortest” route to your chosen destination!!

The Grand Canyon

Trekking one of the walk trails at the Grand Canyon







When we finally arrived at Pennsylvania’s Grand Canyon, we did the “touristy” thing and took lots of photos from the look out, then decided that a trek along one of the walk trails would be a good way to burn off all those extra kilos we had put on from our time with Lynda, Alan and Scarlett.

If you’re wondering why we have the sticks, it’s because there were signs everywhere warning us of sightings of rattlesnakes on the trail. Mmmmm……….that’s an encounter we can do without!

A beautiful wild deer


But, an encounter we were glad to have, were with some wild deer who didn’t seem too worried at all that we were there. Lucky they were relaxed too, as that was my only saviour when Trev decided to tell the kids that Black Bears hunt deer! I was able to point out that the deer didn’t look too worried and neither should we! Funny how their pace picked up from then on.

A fawn disappearing after it's mother








All in all, a beautiful walk and one worth seeing.

The view of the Grand Canyon

We made it back to our campsite (ignoring our GPS when she told us to turn left for the shortest route home!), then enjoyed the evening before heading off to Buffalo the next day. Niagara Falls is only one post away!…………………….

Kaitlin's beautiful photography on the trail

8 Responses to Pennsylvania’s Grand Canyon

  1. mum and dad godley

    Hi all
    At the hotel meal last night, several of our friends are following the blog with a great deal of interest.
    Great to hear everything is going as planned.
    Mum and dad

    • drivinguscrazy

      Hi Mum and Dad,
      We’re enjoying writing the blog. Have better internet access now, so will have to post the next blog.

  2. Aunty Trace

    Hey to all the Howitts
    Looks amazing….read more of poor Kit’s misadventures! Hope his hand is OK. The RV does look great…I had to laugh at your description of negotiating the slopes and turns on the rugged road…it reminded me of that Robin Williams movie….RV. If you haven’t seen it…I am sure you could certainly relate to it now! All going well here…spring is here and one can’t help but feel ‘glad to be alive’ in this weather! Dad and co are having an amazing time….and all of you are giving me the travel bug….I thing 2012 may see me off for a few months! Only 3 wks left of the term…then Darrin and Leonie are off too…I will switch the lights off don’t worry.
    Lotsa luv Aunty Trace XXXXXXXXX
    PS Kaitie – don’t wish your time there away quickly….your friends will all still be here doing the same old thing when you get back…and you will have notched up memories that will last a lifetime….enjoy and treasure every moment!!! Love ya XX

    • drivinguscrazy

      Hi Trace,
      Glad you have the travel bug. Think you would enjoy a trip away. Tell Daz and Leonie to do a blog too. It is a great way of keeping a diary for future reference.
      As for Kait, she tells me she is enjoying her trip, just missing her friends and wish they could share it with her. She has a friend in Washington State and may have permission to go to school there with her. She is very excited about that. Our other kids made a few friends in the last camp site we were in. Not many kids around as most back at school, but there are a few, so the kids make the most of it when they see them. We have met many wonderful people on our trip. Everyone is so friendly and eager to help.
      PS: Will have to get the Robin Williams movie out again. I think we saw it years ago.

  3. Scott

    Hi Guys – two great posts. The Grand Canyon looks lovely – a tad greener than the one I went to. Didn’t Trev tell you that Black Bear also hunt marshmellows – but I suspect that hungry Howitt kids would be a match for any bears 🙂

    Love Scott

    • drivinguscrazy

      Hi Scott,
      Can’t wait to go to the “huge” Grand Canyon, but the Pennsylvania one will suffice until then.
      Speaking of bears, we are now in a campsite with Black Bears. The guy told us to hang around the refuse bins at night and we’ll see them. Will get some pictures when we do and write a blog about it 🙂

  4. Jodie and Gary

    Hi Kit,
    I hope you are having a good time in America.

    • drivinguscrazy

      I am having a great time Lauren. Hope you are having a good time back at home. Love Kit

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